Taxonomy in Britain: Report by the Review Group on Taxonomy Set Up by the Advisory Board for the Research Councils Under the Chairmanship of Sir Eric Smith £11.60
To be Continued : A History of the First Hundred Years of Simon Langton Schools, Canterbury, 1881-1981 £38.20
Handbook of Suggestions on Health Education for the Consideration of Teachers and Others Concerned in the Health and Education of School Children £19.30
Royal Masonic Institution for Girls : Year Book, 1960, Being Some Account of the History, Objects and Work of the Institution £11.60
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Operational Research (Aix-en-Provence, 1960) £33.40
Critical Realism and World Politics: An Explication of a Critical Theoretical and Possibilistic Methodology for the Study of World Politcs (Signed and Inscribed) £33.40