Merryweather and Sons Illustrated Catalogues and Brochures of Fire Engines, Fire Appliances and other Fire-related Equipment, 1920s-1930s £61.80
The Metropolitan Fire Brigade: Its Home and its Work (from the Strand Magazine, Issue No. 1, January 1891) £10.70
The Mythology of Sex : An Illustrated Exploration of Sexual Customs and Practices from Ancient Times to the Present £10.70
Shand, Mason Y Compania Catalogo Illustrado de Bombas Para Incendious, De Vapor y de Mano [Shand, Mason and Company’s Illustrated Catalogue of Steam and Hand Fire Engines] £95.00
Miscellany: A Collection of Short Stories, Accounts of Travel Aboard, and Messages from the World of Spirit Received through the Gift of Clairaudience £19.30