For its July 2016 meet, Wimbledon Village Book Group chose to read Edward Wilson’s A Very British Ending.
The book, which most members thoroughly enjoyed even if they did find the premise quite chilling and disturbing, resulted in a fabulous discussion & exchange of views on topics as diverse as spying, the cold war, Brexit, the Gun Powder Plot and family life. Wilson’s style was thought to be quite cold and remote, distancing the reader from events, adding to the sense of exclusion and powerlessness of the ordinary individual and thus fully fitting for the narrative.
Votes up as a great read, with a good balance between pace and intrigue and a great book club choice as it’s very thought-provoking and rewards a bit of research and reflection.
Wimbledon Village Reading Group is a book club that’s been meeting on the last Thursday of each month since 2012. If you’re interested in joining in, check us out and join here.
To get a flavour of the sort of books we read, check out our Pinterest Board of book covers