Search and browse our on line stock here
We’ve been selling second hand books, with a short break, since the late 1990s. We are working hard to put our entire stock of books on line, which will eventually be offered for sale here, and on a new dedicated website, together with a select range of relevant new books. At the moment we only have a tiny selection of our stock on line (although the range grows weekly) and they are offered via ABEbooks under the trading name BookAddiction. You can visit us there and browse our entire offering of rare, collectible, illustrated and beautiful books. Or browse through some of the current highlights of the collection which appear below. Click on the links to see full details and lots more pictures.
BookAddiction is a member of Ibooknet, a co-operative, self-help association of rare and second hand book dealers, mostly in the UK.
We also occasionally take part in book fairs or offer our books at other temporary venues. Details will appear here when we have such events planned.