'Due to International shipping restrictions we only ship to the UK from our site. For orders to be delivered outside the UK please visit our shops on Biblio or AbeBooks.'


Our site uses an order form for customers to request information, products, and services. You chose the information you give us and it is not stored unless you become a customer or formally request a long term want is stored on our database.

Some technical information is used such as cookies (used to enable the shopping features to function) and the storing of your IP address as security (once an order is made) as we are making a financial transaction. We are in the process of becoming GDPR complaint.  Further details are available on request.

We request buyer’s contact information (name, address, telephone and email address) so we can send the books you order to you, let you know about progress and send queries to make sure that we fulfil your wishes as well as orders.  . Contact information from the order form is used to ship orders to customers. Orders through this site are held in the admin section of our off-line database. Orders placed over the phone are also held on our database.  The customer’s contact information is used to contact the customer when necessary regarding the order and is stored in our database for future orders. Our cloud service where our business data is backed-up is very secure and is also GDPR compliant. We may use your stored email address to send you information on books you may be interested in and about special offers and savings.

We do not store any financial information. Credit card orders are processed manually and individially via Square, or payment can be made through Paypal (or by sending a cheque through the post).  Because we do not store credit card infomrmation at all, we will have to ask you to give your card details each time you wish to make a payment by credit card. 

Many customers wants are held indefinitely, at their request, as it can take many years to turn up a rare book title or to complete a large matching set of volumes. Invoice data is also held long term as a record of book prices achieved. This helps with pricing similar volumes in the future and to track the value of rarer titles over time. This is an important part of the way our trade operates. As a consequence of this it is not practical at present to automatically delete customer details or invoices after a fixed time though this will remain under review. We can manually delete an individual customer’s invoices upon request.

We provide clients the following options to remove their information from our database or to cease receiving communications from BookAddiction. You can use the same options to request a list of any data we hold.

You can send an email to info@bookaddication.co.uk.

You can send a letter to the following postal address.

10 Nightingale Close
Chartham Hatch
United Kingdom

Or please complete the following form:

[contact-form-7 id=”169″ title=”Contact form 1″]

You can also use these contact details to request information about BookAddiction and its data protection practices and standards.